E52 Richard Kennedy

In this episode of the All American Wing Shooting Podcast, Anna V and Richard Kennedy talk about why it's great to get involved with your local Safari Club International (SCI) chapter.

They discuss how SCI works to protect hunters' rights and the environment, clearing up the misunderstanding that SCI only focuses on big game hunting in Africa.

They also highlight SCI's support for wing shooting and the friendly atmosphere at SCI conventions with fellow wing shooters. They cover topics like Sunday hunting, lead ammo bans, and keeping private lands open for hunting.

The conversation wraps up with a fun story about the Red Solo Cup Crew, a group of friends who started a tradition at SCI conventions. It all began with red solo cups and grew into their own logo and annual party.

This event became a big hit, attracting important guests and fostering lasting friendships. They also talk about how organizations like SCI play a crucial role in preserving hunting traditions and the sense of community among hunters.


E51 Matt Dubnik